trucking management conference
"Fueling your company's future"
creating your own freight market
Chris Jolly, The Freight Coach
Most of us are not affected by the overall freight market as we think. Yes, we deal with challenges, but those challenges face us regardless of it being a carriers’ or brokers’ market. Have you sat down and thought of your ideal customer? Do you know your organization’s core strengths and service offerings? Are you capturing your fair market share with your customers, or do you let opportunities slide because it’s a challenging lane?
We will discuss how to create a customer profile, develop your core service offerings, how to identify a great customer, and how to grow in any freight market!

Are you ready for Zero Emission and Customer Sustainability Requirements?
Rob McNeil, VP Sales & Solutions, TA Dedicated and Karl Palmer, Account Executive Engine Business, Cummins
Learn the latest Zero Emissions regulatory timeline from Cummins and see how Eagan-based TA Dedicated has embraced Sustainability to help their customers reach their goals, while establishing themselves as a more valuable and trusted provider with their customers. There are more questions than there are answers when it comes to sustainability in our industry, but Rob will share how learning, leveraging, and just talking has helped TA Dedicated develop their approach to Sustainability.

Facilitated Discussions – Discuss solutions to top issues impacting your business
Building efficiency through TMS
Recruiting drivers
First 3 months of Driver Orientation (Retention)
Ways to protect your company - Keeping lines of business separate
Fuel efficiency through driver behavior and maintenance
Office culture change to overcome negativity and high turnover
Safety best practices for both IC and employee drivers
How to choose which functions to fractionally outsource
Managing on-call needs for shop and operations and establishing expectations and boundaries for each
Developing your long-term truck technology vision to guide today’s equipment and technology purchases
the mental health toolbox
Becky Schmitz, Executive Director, Viking Land Community Support Program
Understand and recognize mental health barriers in the workplace while partnering them with tools and strategies in hope of alleviating stressors for both employers and employees. Identify the dynamics and triggers within our day to day that increase mental health symptoms. Explore ways to minimize crisis situations and promote positive wellness throughout your companies.

avoiding legal pitfalls in your company's record retention & communication practices
Mark Fredrickson, Senior Partner, Lind, Jensen, Sullivan & Peterson P.A.​
Hear a defense trial lawyer’s perspective on practical tips to avoid problems created by records retention and communications practices in the modern world of trucking. What are your legal obligations, how to balance the practical realities of operating a trucking company with the potential issues created by the relatively permanent nature of electronic data and communication, handling depositions, written discovery and trial surprises. Website, training, governmental requirements, personal devices, misunderstood messages, retention policies and practices, data privacy, HR issues, investigations, on truck data recording, and a host of other potential trouble spots will be discussed.

deploying ai in your operation: EXPLORE EXISTING & near future AI Tools to help reduce costs and enhance operational efficiencies
Sujit Kunwor, Data Scientist, McLeod Software & Preetham Varghese, Distinguished Engineer, Trimble Transportation ​
Learn how AI will improve efficiency and reduce costs in your trucking operation including a discussion of existing products and near future products that you can implement now or will be available soon.




