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June 20, 2024: MN Employment Law Updates

Thomas Revnew of Littler Mendelson discusses several significant legislative updates to Minnesota state laws, including: earned safe and sick time law, independent contractor law, drug and alcohol testing and other legislative developments

June 6, 2024: MN Truckers Health Plan

This 45-minute webinar covers the plan design, benefits, and network of this exciting new member benefit. Learn how to lock in your health plan rates through December 2025!

MN Truckers Health Care Plan Logo.jpg

February 15, 2024: New US DOL IC Rule: What it Does & Doesn't Mean for Trucking

Doug Grawe from The Grawe Group, LLC walks listeners through the realities of the DOL’s independent contractor rule, what is new, what isn’t, and its impact on trucking companies.


The new rule sends out the Trump-era independent contractor definition under the FLSA and brings back a few old factors.


This webinar will cover what that means for trucking companies and what it doesn’t mean to help you review your independent contractor program.


Please note: Replay is password protected. Please email for the password. 

December 6, 2023: MN Earned Safe & Sick Leave Update

​Effective Jan. 1, 2024, Minnesota’s earned sick and safe time law requires employers to provide paid leave to employees who work in the state. Sick and safe time is paid leave employers must provide to employees in Minnesota that can be used for certain reasons, including when an employee is sick, to care for a sick family member or to seek assistance if an employee or their family member has experienced domestic abuse, sexual assault or stalking. Tom Revnew of Littler Mendelson provides an update on this new law and what it means for fleets.

June 22, 2023: Navigating the New MN Paid Leave Law

In part two of MTA's free Employment Law Webinar Series, Thomas R. Revnew from Peters, Revnew, Kappenman & Anderson, P.A. helps you understand the new MN Paid Leave Law.


June 15, 2023: Navigating Cannabis Legalization in Minnesota

In part one of MTA's free Employment Law Webinar Series, Thomas R. Revnew from Peters, Revnew, Kappenman & Anderson, P.A. helps you understand what to do now that Cannabis is legal in Minnesota.


May 23, 2023: Can Your Trucking Company Withstand a Cyber Attack?

Trucking companies are high on the list of bad actors who want to create chaos and extort money. Disrupting truck transport can have a crippling impact on the supply chain. Fleets and governments are highly motivated to do what it takes to keep trucks moving. Bad actors know this vulnerability and prey on it. This 45-minute webinar will:


  1. Overview the risk of cyberattacks on trucking companies

  2. Review the key elements of a basic fleet cybersecurity program

  3. Share lessons learned from a recent tabletop exercise conducted by three MTA member fleets

  4. Introduce participants to low and no cost technology solutions to harden your fleet against cyberattack

  5. Introduce the basic elements of an Incidence Response Plan


Participants: Wade Anderson, CTO/CIO, Bay and Bay Transportation; Bill Holmberg, Director of IT, Wayne Transports; and Bonne Ramsey, Chief Process Officer, Halvor Lines; 

July 27, 2023: How to Create Your Own Fleet Cyberattack Incident Response Plan

Trucking fleets can best protect themselves from cyberattack and their impacts by pro-actively developing an Incident Response Plan (IRP). The IRP is designed to be pulled off the shelf and used immediately to respond to an incident. Creating a successful plan involves engagement at all levels of the fleet. Team insights will help gather critical data and develop reliable protocols. This session will walk through a draft IRP and discuss the importance of various elements. This 90-minute webinar will:

  1. Overview the need to create an Incident Response Plan

  2. Identify information to collect and organize

  3. Review important templates to create

  4. Recommend protocols to put in place

  5. Identify additional resources to prepare an IRP and respond to a cyberattack

Independent Contractors, California and You

The Supreme Court of the United States has formally declined to take up the appeal of the California Trucking Association challenging California’s AB5 independent contractor test. This means that AB5 is not pre-empted by federal law, and California can begin enforcing it against trucking companies. This webinar will explore the potential implications of the decision for fleets doing business in the State of California and how you may need to modify your operations to comply.  The webinar will address the following questions:

  • Will this impact your business directly?

  • Do you need to change your business model substantially, or can you make operation tweaks?

  • What is the likelihood of this being adopted by other states?

The webinar will be presented by MTA member attorneys Doug Grawe, The Grawe Group, and Mike Glover, DeWitt LLP.




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