fleet safety
Safety – it’s a core value in the MTA and a top priority for trucking professionals. We live it and breathe it every day and work hard to achieve better and better safety records; not just because it’s good for our stats, or gets us a better insurance rate, but because it’s the right thing to do. Each year, the Fleet Safety program celebrates MTA carrier members who have gone above and beyond and achieved the kind of records that prove their dedication to safety.
Applicants can receive a certificate for having an accident-free year, for improvement over the previous year, or for having a better-than-average record. Applicants are split up into divisions based on carrier type and mileage and the finalists determined from those groups receive a Fleet Safety plaque. Finalists are eligible to compete for the Grand Champion trophy, which is announced at the Fleet Safety Luncheon at the Annual Conference.
Congratulations to the 2024 Fleet Safety Grand Champion

2024 Fleet Safety Finalists
Congratulations to all applicants on a very safe year!
Tank/Bulk Carrier:
Under one million Minnesota miles
Autumn Transport
Tank/Bulk Carrier:
One to three million Minnesota miles
California Overland, Ltd.
Tank/Bulk Carrier:
Over three million Minnesota miles
Caledonia Haulers
Private Carrier:
Under three million Minnesota miles
Coborn’s, Inc.
​Private Carrier:
Over three million Minnesota miles
Specialized/Flatbed Carrier:
Under one million Minnesota miles
Otto Transfer, Inc.
Specialized/Flatbed Carrier:
One to two million Minnesota miles
Valley Transportation Service, Inc.
Specialized/Flatbed Carrier:
Over two million Minnesota miles
Long Haul Trucking
Less Than Truckload Carrier:
Under one million Minnesota miles
Bill Funk Trucking
Less Than Truckload Carrier:
One to three million Minnesota miles
Less Than Truckload Carrier:
Three to ten million Minnesota miles
Midwest Motor Express
Less Than Truckload Carrier:
Over ten million Minnesota miles
Old Dominion Freight Line
Truckload Carrier:
Under one million Minnesota miles
Wilson Lines
Truckload Carrier:
One to 1.5 million Minnesota miles
Fortune Transportation
Truckload Carrier:
1.5 to two million Minnesota miles
McFarland Truck Lines, Inc.
Truckload Carrier:
Two – ten million Minnesota miles
Foltz Trucking
Truckload Carrier:
Over ten million Minnesota miles
Halvor Lines, Inc.